We’ve hit the springtime good weather streak and warmer temperatures are here to stay. At Salty’s we are firing up the grill for you every day, rain or shine. On it we are sizzling up a plethora of delicious foods and one of them is beef. Since our chefs just got back from inspecting our…
Year: 2013

Fish Fight!
There’s a fish fight going on inside my head and I can’t decide which freshly caught variety will win. Our fishmonger is all about Halibut and our Chef Jeremy is set on Salmon, and they are both freshly caught and newly arriving to Salty’s kitchens. What a delicious contest! In one corner we have Halibut,…

They're Baaaack!
I saw them just the other day, they’re coming out of winter hibernation. They begin their stalking about March every year — giving you that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. This year I’m going avoid them. Yes, that’s it, I’ll run as fast as I can in the other direction. Sigh, okay,…

Going Without the Grain
We hear the words gluten free a lot these days. We go to the grocery store and find a plethora of choices that say, “Choose me, eat gluten free.” It seems like the in thing to do. Is it the hippest, latest food fad? Let’s separate the wheat from the chaff on this one and get down…

Happy Newtrittion Year
It’s the New Year and time for some newtrition inspiration. The word nutrition comes from the Latin word nutrire, to feed or nourish. So in the spirit of nourishment I would like to suggest some resolution solutions for you. Eat more fish (shameless Salty’s plug here). Truly this is one of the most powerfully healthy…