It’s exciting when spring arrives; everywhere we look there is flourish and bloom. This is true on land, but from our Pacific waters other wonders are springing forth. This is the long-awaited time of year when fresh wild Pacific Halibut season returns and this coveted fish becomes available again — and are we ever excited! Halibut…
Year: 2014

Sustaining Our Fish
Fish are our business and when it comes to taking care of them the whole building at Salty’s gets involved. Our keen purchasing department orders our fish from the finest local suppliers, like Taylor Shellfish Farms. We take great care to be sure that we are buying the freshest fish in its prime season, 52 weeks…

What Kind of Food Am I?
See if you can answer this riddle. I am edible but I am not a plant. I am not a fruit or a vegetable. I am not a legume, nut or seed but I may have a nutty flavor. I have the texture of meat, but there is no meat in me. I am a food…

Love the Curmudgeonly Artichoke
Most vegetables are friendly. They have bright colors, smooth shapes and are delightful to pick and prepare. They are friendly, even gregarious — but not the artichoke. This standoffish veg doesn’t want to be sociable at all. Its rough exterior is full of self-protecting thorns. If you didn’t know any better you might want to…

Red Wine and Chocolate Please!
February has always been the month of the color red. Red valentines, red roses, red hearts filled with chocolates and of course toasts with red wine. Cheers to the month of good love, good life and good health. To the point of good health, I would like to share the findings from a new study,…

Hail to Kale!
Winter is the time of year when the local produce harvest is seriously limited. There is a tenacious vegetable crop however that seems to flourish despite the cold weather — the humble vegetable kale. Formerly relegated to being ornamental and used for display with other foods, this good-natured durable plant is finally winning us over.…