How much do you know about crab besides the fact that it is so utterly delicious? Do you know that, even though they’re hard and spiny, they contain some essential vitamins and minerals for us as humans? Crab meat holds a heathy dose of Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on our brain or gray matter. We think this is a perfect reason to celebrate these local sea creatures. Join us for the 2025 Salty’s “You Crack Me Up™” Crab Festival and savor the astonishing dishes our chefs have engineered to pay respects to the delicious meat of the crab. Hurry, it ends April 2nd!

Angry Style Dungeness Crab

Whiskey Crab Soup
Dungeness Crab Stuffed Mushrooms
Below are some dishes from the past that you can make at home!