Just when you think you know all there is about a cob, you find out it knows a kernel more about you! In fact eating good old corn on the cob can be one of the most self-revealing things you ever do.
Category: Good for You

Get into a Pickle
I usually try to stay out of pickles. But summer brings on an annual predicament of too many of this and too many of that. Cucumbers, peppers, onions and cabbage are ripe and ready to eat, but who can possibly consume a garden all at once? Not wanting food to go to waste, grandmas and…

He's a Honey
My brother Nick is a real honey. He keeps bees. He has stacks and stacks of hives and wears a super cool Buzz Lightyear outfit. (Okay yes, I’m a little jealous.) Every year he pulls the hive trays, decants the drippings and bestows golden bottles of his hallowed Hilger Honey on us. Nick proudly proclaims that his bees…

Harry Corvair
You know how the French are, they’re so intriguing, and with that romantic accent, sigh … oh yes they draw you in. Admittedly there has been a long-standing love affair with the dashing string bean known as Harry Corvair (haricot verts)! Your grandma was in love, your mom, too. Generations of cooks have fallen, maybe even you. Sure it’s…

All I Need is a Coconut
Some day, if I am lucky enough to get marooned on a deserted island, all I am going to wish for is a coconut tree. Gilligan didn’t actually have to be rescued. He had all he needed; the Skipper, a movie star, a professor, but most importantly, palm trees with coconuts! Actually the tree alone would do.…

Pucker Up for Rhuby
Oh, yeah, she’s a looker. Those ruby red crimson stalks, sporting that deep green floppy hat, well you just have to do a double take. She’s like celery with lipstick or Swiss chard with better legs. Rhubarb is sweet as pie, but without enough sugar she can really make you pucker. Oh, Rhuby, you make…

Spot-On Shrimp-Prawns
I remember the first time I tasted prawns. I had just moved to the Northwest from Minnesota and the closest thing I had ever seen to these beady-eyed creepers were the toe pinching mudbugs at the bottom of our lakes. Our family’s first taste of spot prawns was piled high in the kitchen, and my…