Charitable Donations and Public Works
We’re proud to tell you that we donate tens of thousands in cash to more than 300 local charities annually using Salty’s gift cards for auctions and fund-raisers. Also, our extraordinarily talented chefs and management team members are honored to contribute their time, effort and additional dollars to local charity events and fundraisers to the tune of over $250,000 annually. Additionally, we were involved in helping to raise thousands more at other various events. We hope you can join us this year as we try to break each year’s records with our partners:
Alki Tuesday Tune-up with Victor Janusz
Alzheimer’s Foundation “Tasteful Evening”
American Red Cross — Seattle
American Red Cross — Portland
Artful Giving, Yoshida Family Estate, benefitting cancer research
Bite of Seattle, Tom Douglas Alley, benefiting Food Lifeline
Bloodworks Northwest, Blood Donations for the community
Boys and Girls Clubs of King County
Christmas Ships, a Portland Tradition
Cooking with Class for Providence Health System and Heritage House at the Market
Cystic Fibrosis
Des Moines Food Bank
Dignity Village, Portland, Oregon
Forgotten Children’s Fund with Seattle “It’s a Wrap”
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
FUSION Summer Art Event of Federal Way
Gilda’s Club Seattle (Cancer Pathways)
Highline Community Hospital Foundation
Hope Heart Institute
HOPEH Inc., Haitian Organization Program for Education & Health
Humane Society for Seattle/King County
Humane Society “Tuxes and Tails”
March of Dimes “Celebrity Chefs”
Outward Bound West
Poverty Bay Wine Festival, Des Moines Rotary
Portland Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics
Portland Public Schools
Seattle Prep, Bishop Blanchet High School, Holy Rosary
Sexy Syrah Wine Tasting supporting Children’s Hospital
South King County Schools
Taste of West Seattle benefitting West Seattle Helpline
Taste of the Nation
University of Washington Foundation
West Seattle Helpline
YWCA Family Village “Chefs’ Fest”
Zoolala benefiting the Oregon Zoo
All of us at Salty’s feel blessed to be able to give back to our community with activities that help bring joy to others. Visit Salty’s news blogs often and keep up with all that is happening at all Salty’s locations. Maybe you too can be a part of spreading the joy!
Warmest regards,
Gerry & Kathy Kingen
Salty’s Local Family Business Owners
Contact us about charitable donations. We are often asked to help raise funds for many worthy causes as well as to contribute time and talent for numerous charity events. If you have a charity or cause you want us to consider, please email donations@saltys.com.