Inside Information
“Inside Information” for You “Pssst. Hey you. Yeah you. I’m over here in the fedora and trench coat. I’ve got some really important inside information for you, see. It’s been undercover for a long time but I thought you had the right to know… There is a stealth, secret headquarters that has been set up
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The Crustaphile Smile
There are so many reasons to be a lover of crustaceans, and right now it’s prime time to imbibe in the most popular delicacy of our seas. It’s easy to become a happy “crustaphile”, just hold a prawn up to your face, it’s even in the shape of a smile. I remember my first foray
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Cider Beside Her
There are so many fancy claims about apple cider vinegar these days, (or ACV if you are in the know) you’d think it could bring about world peace. I have found lists of nearly one hundred uses for the centuries old stuff and the ideas are endless. If you were to ask Hippocrates (400 B.C.
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The Power of Pomegranate
I love fall. I love the crispness in the air, the angle of the sun and the mellowing of life. The shades of fall are everywhere. The autumnal colors of the leaves, green, yellow, orange and vibrant red, are echoed in the produce that is harvested. Think about it; squashes, pumpkins, root vegetables, persimmons and
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Salmon: The Sophisticated Navigator
I’m going on an exciting and very remote, seventy-mile kayaking trip. On my list of things to pack is a compass, so I can find my way.
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We Be Jammin’
We’re getting that hot, hot August sun and the wild berries are getting plump and juicy.
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Better When We’re Together
There's nothing better than the combination of real things like a warm summer night with wild salmon and a nice glass of wine.
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Herb Garden Cheerleaders
I’m late to plant my garden, but I don’t feel all that guilty. It seems I’m in good company, because all of nature is delayed this year. It’s like there was a huge traffic jam and team sunshine got caught in it.
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Mom Was Right
I truly was blessed with the best Mom there ever was. Through her I know that mothers are magical, intuitive, all knowing protectors of the hearts they love. They nudge and guide us in ways that even they don’t know are brilliant.
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The Unscrambling of Eggs
When I was a kid we ate eggs, lots of eggs. In those days they were known as one of the best foods in the world. We were awed by the notion that one simple egg was all that was needed to produce an adorable little baby chick, it was a miracle in a shell, right?
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