“It’s Always A Total Wow”TM
Salty’s 3 courses for $40
It’s a feast for 1 or dinner for 2!
Starting 10/1/2024
Dine with us Tuesday for a steaming bowl of our seafood chowder, followed by almost 1 pound of prawn scampi over a mound of fluffy mashed potatoes with garlicky French green beans. And just when you couldn’t eat another bite, indulge in a piece of our white chocolate mousse cake! All for $40!
Portland: Online dinner reservations or call 503-288-444
Seattle: Online dinner reservations and crabby hours.
Offer good for in house dining at dinner time only. Not valid for take out orders. Not available on holidays that fall on Tuesdays. Promotion not available with other promotions. Valid on day listed only. Substitutions politely declined. Last updated January 2025.